
  • Excellent Fit

    Comfort, cushioning and stability With extra arch and forefoot support Brings both hollow and flat foot into correct position

    • POLIYOU® sole with mesh top layer: breathable, antibacterial, ESD, shock and moisture absorbing. Cool and dry
    • Extra cushioning heel and ball of the foot. More energized
    • Extensive foot arch support. Stable
    • Extra support for the forefoot. Optimal support and a pleasant gait cycle. Reduces tendon and forefoot complaints
    Excellent Fit inlay soles provide extra cushioning for the heel and ball of the foot, have a Suedetec covering layer for good moisture distribution and are antibacterial. They absorb shocks (++) and offer extra support (+++) for the heel and forefoot. This insole does not always provide the right support for you during a long working day. For example, if you have foot problems. In such cases, special inlay soles offer just that little bit of extra support, comfort and shock absorption. Click here to discover for which safety shoes Excellent Fit inlay soles are suitable to ensure that your safety shoes stay perfectly certified.

  • Premium Fit

    Comfort, cushioning and stability

    • POLIYOU® sole with mesh top layer: breathable, antibacterial, ESD, shock and moisture absorbing. Cool and dry
    • Cushioning heel and ball of the foot. More energized
    • Light foot arch support. Stable
    Safety shoes manufactured in our own factory in Best come equipped with our Premium Fit insole. This provides cushioning, has a mesh covering layer for good moisture distribution and is antibacterial. Premium Fit inlay soles absorb shocks (++) and offer light foot arch support (+). This insole does not always provide the support you need during a long working day. For example, if you have foot problems. In such cases, special inlay soles offer just that little bit of extra support, comfort and shock absorption. Click here to discover for which safety shoes Premium Fit inlay soles are suitable to ensure that your safety shoes stay perfectly certified.

  • Superior Fit

    Comfort, cushioning and stability Extra arch support and extra cushioning for the heel

    • POLIYOU® sole with mesh top layer: breathable, antibacterial, ESD, shock and moisture absorbing. Cool and dry
    • Extra cushioning heel and ball of the foot. More energized
    • Extra support foot arch. Stable
    Superior Fit inlay soles provide extra cushioning for the heel and ball of the foot, have a mesh covering layer for good moisture distribution and are antibacterial. They absorb shocks (++) and offer extra arch support (++). This insole does not always provide the right support for you during a long working day. For example, if you have foot problems. In such cases, special inlay soles offer just that little bit of extra support, comfort and shock absorption. Click here to discover for which safety shoes Superior Fit inlay soles are suitable to ensure that your safety shoes stay perfectly certified.

A large part of our safety shoes are developed and produced in Best in Noord-Brabant. Our investments in robotics, Research & Development and advanced technologies are bearing fruit. Founded in the Czech Republic in 1894, Bata was one of the first manufacturers to sell its products all over the world.